
What to do when you run into a skunk in your backyard

Skunks are notorious for emitting a pungent smell as a defense mechanism once they are confronted. According to animal handlers from Baystate Wildlife, to see one in your backyard could be surprising, and the last thing you should do is panic or try to hurt it. Here are steps you can take in case you find yourself in the same space as a wild skunk.

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Don’t kill it. When you see an adult skunk in the premises of your home, it probably has babies in its nest hiding nearby. Not only do you endanger its younglings, but you’ll also most likely be sprayed, it as it could feel threated with your presence. Stay calm, walk away and call an animal handler like Baystate Wildlife to help you remove the animal.

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If you get sprayed, have a cleaning solution ready. If you get sprayed by a skunk, don’t panic. Wash your eyes and off your face as soon as you can, and try your best not to touch anything because whatever you touch will also smell. Neutralize the chemicals by mixing one quart of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide, one teaspoon of mild dishwashing detergent, and ¼ cup of baking soda. Rinse, wash, and repeat.

Baystate Wildlife removes raccoons, skunks, bats, and squirrels gently, as the last thing the catchers would do is to hurt them. After the removal, the catchers will safely bring them back to the wild where they belong and are free. With over a decade of experience in the field, Baystate Wildlife goes above and beyond clients’ expectations. For more helpful articles like this, visit this page.


Skunk: To keep or get rid?

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With their characteristic black and white striping, skunks are easily identified. Skunks are notorious for producing a foul smell when terrified. While a skunk’s spray is mostly known for its harsh odor, If the spray gets into a person or an animal’s eye, it can be a cause for severe discomfort.

Some people are fond of skunks that they want to keep it as pets. Wild skunks are considered pests and threats against pets such as dogs and cats. However, many people argue that it is indeed possible to keep skunks as pets especially when they are domesticated. To keep them as pets, skunks must be de-scented at an early age; three to four months old for male skunks, and four to six months old for female ones.

The risk of the skunk spraying when frightened is eliminated through de-scenting. Some argue that de-scenting is an inhumane act, and is as bad as de-clawing, de-barking, ear pinning, and tail docking. Compared to wild skunks with a lifespan of only three years, pet skunks can live for as long as 10 years. Not all states, however, allow individuals to keep skunks pets.

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Many people debate that skunks are made for the wild and that capturing them to train to live in a residential area would place too much stress on the animal and the pet parent. Regardless of whether a person chooses to keep a skunk as a pet or get rid of it, all actions must be humane and in the best interest of the animal.

Baystate Wildlife removes raccoons, skunks, bats, and squirrels in a gentle manner, as the last thing the catchers would do is to hurt them. For more updates like this, head over to this blog.

Stop animal cruelty:  Three ways of fighting back

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One of the things animal control takes very seriously is the humane treatment of nuisance animals.  Animal cruelty is a widespread practice, and unlike the usual crimes people commit, often goes unpunished.

Fortunately, in today’s society, more people have begun to realize just how important it is to treat these nuisance creatures with dignity and respect.  And more people have found ways to help and join the fight against animal cruelty.

One of the main avenues of supporting the fight against animal cruelty is to simply report it when an act of abuse is being done.  The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals or ASPCA is just one of the many nonprofit organizations that have phone lines and email addresses to take in reports.     Citizens are also encouraged to report incidents of animal cruelty to local animal control units for investigation.

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Another way of helping is to volunteer at local shelters and animal control companies and their community events.  Organizations like PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) have regular drives and events in which concerned parties can either donate or volunteer.  Remember, every little bit helps.

Finally, people can make a huge difference by simply avoiding anything that involves animal cruelty, from not buying products that conduct animal testing, or not visiting zoos that are obviously not up to standard.

Established in 2000, Baystate Wildlife Management, Inc. services homes all over New England and makes stops throughout Rhode Island and Massachusetts.  It focuses on the trapping, removal, and exclusion of all nuisance wildlife humanely and safely.  Follow this Baystate Wildlife Twitter page for quick updates.

Safe camping: How to keep wild animals away from your campsite

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Camping is a fun adventure, but one wrong move in the woods and you could find yourself in the company of potentially dangerous animals.  Here are steps to avoid confrontations with wildlife while in a campsite and stay safe during the trip.

Eliminate odors from food and supplies

Many campgrounds feature bear-resistant trash receptacles for reducing the chances of bears smelling food odors.  You can also keep food and supplies in a hard-sided vehicle, a certified food storage container, or a bag that hangs between two trees at least 10 feet from the ground.

Stay out in the open

This means a location that’s not too close to water, heavy foliage, or a hiking path, which are common wildlife habitats.  Many animals, too, use hiking trails as a way to easily traverse their hunting grounds.  In addition, building your campsite out in the open makes you easy to notice as well as avoid.

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Maintain a clean campsite

As the single most important thing one can do to avoid wildlife encounters on a camping trip, maintaining a clean spot prevents animals from wandering into your area because they smell something different that makes them curious.  And it’s not just food, but also perfume, dirty clothes, coffee, and cooking fires.

Some creatures are a bigger nuisance than bears

Note that squirrels, chipmunks, and other rodents can be more bothersome, but the good news is that the rules that work in deterring bears also work for these smaller animals.  So wildlife-proof your camping area like you would your home, and you can expect to have a good time.

Baystate Wildlife has been in the industry since 2001 as a specialist in trapping, removal, and exclusion of all nuisance wildlife in a humane and safe way.  It is open 24 hours a day to offer its services to clients when they need them, and services the greater Boston area and beyond, from Gloucester to Falmouth.  Read more on this site.

Cat care: A brighter future for beloved feline friends

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While cats aren’t usually counted among nuisance animals, stray cats can be a huge problem for communities.  Many companies who have assisted households with their complaints against pests have trapped and caught cats.  Unlike other nuisance animals, however, cats can be adopted, just like stray dogs.  All it takes is for a kindhearted soul to commit himself to it.

There is a pitfall though, that many people who adopt animals fall into.  For whatever reason, they find it difficult to handle the added responsibility of taking care of an extra pet.  Sometimes, they lack the time.  Sometimes, they don’t have enough resources.  The rescued and adopted pet ends up in a similar situation under these circumstances.

Today, shelters have incorporated background checks into their operations, looking at households before allowing people to adopt cats.  Some shelters have taken it a step further and match cats to homes they know would best suit their personalities.

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However, the best course of action for people looking to help out these friendly felines is to prepare for the adoption.   First, they should make their homes as comfortable as they can for cats, and churn out a budget plan that includes everything a cat needs, from food to medication to scratching posts.

To provide a brighter future for cats, people should allot their time, effort, and resources.  After all, these creatures deserve it.

Baystate Wildlife Management, Inc. was founded in 2000.  It specializes in trapping, removal, and exclusion of all nuisance wildlife in a humane and safe manner.  To know more about Baystate Wildlife, visit its official website.


Pointers to keep squirrels out of the house without hurting them

how-to-get-rid-of-squirrels-standard_e0afa0e07d1eb88779556173fd41eaab.jpgSquirrels are furry, little creatures roaming parks, forests, and sometimes an occupied home.  People feed and try to pet them, yet they are still considered wild animals.  And while they may seem good candidates as pets, they should be kept out of the house.

Let them find their way especially when they’re stuck in a room where humans stay.  They wouldn’t want to build their home near human activity.  The best thing to do is make it easy for the squirrels to find their way out.  All house pets must be removed from the area of hiding of the squirrels.  Doors that lead to other parts of the house should be shut, and doors and windows that lead outside must be opened.

Try the blanket approach.  Once a squirrel is covered and unable to roam, wear heavy gloves and secure a blanket to do the trick.  Carefully and slowly approach the squirrel, then immediately drop the blanket on it.  Roll it up, but not too tight or too loose.  Avoid pushing too hard so as to not hurt it.

Step-by-Step-Do-it-Yourself-Squirrel-Removal-GuideIf there are baby squirrels in the attic, wait for them to grow before evicting them.  When adult squirrels find it hard to leave a house, it’s possible that they have built a home in the attic for their babies.  There’s a chance for them to roam around and leave once the babies have grown enough to follow their mother.  If this doesn’t happen, it’s best to ask for help from professionals who can find a new home for the family.

Baystate Wildlife provides services for the removal of bats, skunk, squirrel, and raccoons from houses.  The company follows an extensive process which locates both present and future entry points, and seals these to prevent wild animals from re-entering.  For more reads on wildlife removal, visit this page.

Urban Entry Points: How Bats Keep Getting Into Your Home

Contrary to popular belief, most bats in the New England area actually live in manmade environments. It’s a misconception that bats live in caves alone. Thanks to increasing urbanization and commercial construction, bat invasions have increased and the creatures are now being pushed out of their natural habitat. And they now need to adjust to and evolve with these changes in order to survive.

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Bats may find their way inside one’s home and fly around being lost, especially as there are no insects there for them to feast on and it’s not nearly dark enough for them to roost. Here are some ways that they’re able to enter one’s residence.

Open windows or front doors
While rarely occurring, bats may mistakenly fly through an open window or front door whenever hunting insects. This may be an isolated incidence and may not necessarily mean there’s a roost near the property. However, it suggests the presence of a colony in the locality and that future infestations are likely to occur.

Fascia boards
This is another common place of bat entry, and fascia board entry points can be particularly attractive as bats love dark places. Note, too, that bats require less than 3/4 of an inch to be able to enter.

Chimneys and attics
Chimneys are another bat entry point, as while there are chimney caps installed in place they can be damaged by things like tree limbs and storms. This can especially happen around fall and spring, when bats scour for a temporary shelter to have babies. Given their love of dark places as well as elevated areas, the attic is another way through which they enter homes. The smallest holes in and around the roof can make for a perfect nesting place for them.

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Baystate Wildlife removes raccoons, skunks, bats, and squirrels in a gentle manner, as the last thing the catchers would do is to hurt them. After the removal, the catchers will safely bring them back to the wild where they belong and are free. Read more on this site.

Best Ways To Deal With a Raccoon Problem

Raccoons are seen by many as mere pests out to steal your food or take up shelter in your homes and vacation cabins. But these critters are just looking for a place they can call their own, and they are drawn to human presence by instinct for such conveniences. In short, they are not “nuisance” wildlife.

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Locate their main entry point to your abode. Inspect the house thoroughly and look for other entry points, keeping in mind that these animals are just looking for a den. To ensure that the opening is indeed being used by raccoons, block it with a thin layer of newspaper for a few days. The critters will break this if they indeed pass through that hole. Plan on patching it after.

Secondly, study closely the animals’ behavior; the raccoon may be a mother that has decided on using your house for raising its young. Keep in mind that if you trap or relocate the family on your own, the young are likely to die. The best option is to get the services of a wildlife removal team.

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If you’ve already coaxed out the raccoon, the more important next step is to prevent them and other wild animals from coming back. Patch up all entry points; no amount of baiting and trapping will help if you do not seal off all possible entry points. Sheet metal or a wire mesh are good materials to use for the hole. Again, make sure that they have really gone before doing so, as you don’t want to get them trapped inside your house.

Baystate Wildlife specializes in trapping, removal, and exclusion of wildlife in a humane and safe manner. The company services homes all over New England and makes stops throughout Massachusetts and Rhode Island. For more tips on handling critters, check out this website.

How Raccoons Can Harm Your Family’s Health

Raccoons belong to the wild. While these wildlife deserve life, they can also impose health hazards to a whole family or community. Risks like infections and illnesses can be acquired from raccoons in different ways. Scratches and bites from these wildlife could carry rabies. However, a bigger concern would be exposure or contact with raccoon urine and feces. Here are diseases that humans can get from raccoons.

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Raccoon roundworm Also known as Baylisascaris procyonis, the raccoon roundworm lives inside the raccoon intestines. While it does not have any harmful effect on raccoons, it sheds its eggs in feces. The eggs that turn into larvae can remain in the environment for long periods of time. They can cause infection and travel to the human liver, eye, brain, or spinal cord. Symptoms include lack of coordination, tiredness, blindness, and even coma. Children and people with disabilities are at a higher risk of contracting the disease.

Leptospirosis Leptospirosis is a disease caused by the urine of raccoons, rats, and other animals. People and animals can get the infection when they come in contact with soil or water that is contaminated by the bacteria. Leptospirosis can cause severe illness and even death on people or animals. Leptospirosis brings about influenza-like symptoms, high fever, muscle aches, and kidney problems, among others.

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Baystate Wildlife provides raccoon proofing services to prevent raccoons from gaining access to homeowners’ chimneys and attics. Learn more about the company’s services by visiting this page.


Why You Should Call Experts To Remove Wild Animals From Your Home

Nature can be scary sometimes, especially when it has four legs and is creeping around your attic in the middle of the night. Removing these critters from your home is risky business and requires a professional touch. Here are some reasons you should call experts to remove these wild animals from your home.


Unless you remove wild animals from homes for a living, it’s best to leave this task to professionals. Attempting animal removal can put you at risk of getting scratched and bitten, not to mention these creatures have rabies. Animal control companies have the experience in this line of work. They know how certain animals would react and are prepared for specific circumstances with the right set of tools.

Professional animal control also brings the animal back to its habitat safely and humanely. Just leaving them outside of your home gives critters another shot at re-entering. Returning the animal back to its habitat is not just the right thing to do, it also preserves the ecosystem and biodiversity.

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Lastly, professionals won’t just solve the animal problem. They can also locate animal entry points, thus preventing any future intrusion from small animals. This shows that simply removing the animal from your home via cheap or free methods will definitely come back and bite you in the end.

Baystate Wildlife provides wildlife removal services for homes all over New England and makes stops throughout Massachusetts and Rhode Island, offering services even in Southern New Hampshire and Southern Maine. Learn more about the company’s services here.