Stop animal cruelty:  Three ways of fighting back

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One of the things animal control takes very seriously is the humane treatment of nuisance animals.  Animal cruelty is a widespread practice, and unlike the usual crimes people commit, often goes unpunished.

Fortunately, in today’s society, more people have begun to realize just how important it is to treat these nuisance creatures with dignity and respect.  And more people have found ways to help and join the fight against animal cruelty.

One of the main avenues of supporting the fight against animal cruelty is to simply report it when an act of abuse is being done.  The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals or ASPCA is just one of the many nonprofit organizations that have phone lines and email addresses to take in reports.     Citizens are also encouraged to report incidents of animal cruelty to local animal control units for investigation.

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Another way of helping is to volunteer at local shelters and animal control companies and their community events.  Organizations like PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) have regular drives and events in which concerned parties can either donate or volunteer.  Remember, every little bit helps.

Finally, people can make a huge difference by simply avoiding anything that involves animal cruelty, from not buying products that conduct animal testing, or not visiting zoos that are obviously not up to standard.

Established in 2000, Baystate Wildlife Management, Inc. services homes all over New England and makes stops throughout Rhode Island and Massachusetts.  It focuses on the trapping, removal, and exclusion of all nuisance wildlife humanely and safely.  Follow this Baystate Wildlife Twitter page for quick updates.